music wave

The Serpent Sound

The Failures of the Government and the Minx Connection

At first I assumed that the Serpent sound was linked much closer to the origins of the truth sound. Going deeper into finding more about the Serpent sound, due to their reports of humming and slurping, which has a similar parallelogram ring to it, I discovered that the connection is a mere coincidence. What I did find out was that the Serpents have no intention to pursue a connection to the sound and that their real goal is to scare people from searching deeper into the sound. The Government created the Serpents to stop people from swimming away from land and escaping our country and continents...but they have little to do with the larger conspiracy surrounding The Triangular Cube Sound.

Unfortunately the Sea Serpents are sentient, but have lost their companionship with each other due to climate change and chem trails confusing their memory. It's impossible to communicate with them as the chem trails have blurred their languages into an obscurred dialect. Believe me...I've tried.

The occassional overlap with other mysterious creatures, like my good friends the Minxies, are due to the Sea Serpents appetite for eating other creatures that emmit similar wave lengths in the 4th dimension. I've had to distance myself from the emotional pain of serpents eating my friends and be objective about these findings. But my condolences go out to all Minxies lost to the gaping maws of the Serpents.
I blame the Government for the situation.

Goodnight fallen Minxies...

© The Pyraminx Society 2025. All rights reserved to those who hear.